Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One More Month

Well we have about one month left before our little boy joins our family. We are both excited and nervous. We have Lizzy on some really good routines and we hope they will stick with the new addition in the home. This has been a much different pregnancy, my body is feeling the aches and pains so much more. I have back pain, hip pain, leg pains, I am exhausted all the time and I have been having really bad sinus issues for almost a month now that makes me cough and sneeze a ton. My hands and feet are swelling to the point where they hurt pretty bad, but my doctor says it is nothing to worry about until the swelling does not go away. On a good note my sweet little boy keeps moving around and has stopped hurting me so much when he moves, now it is just fun to watch my belly move around. Besides all the bad things that is going on with my body we are excited to meet our little boy!
This picture is when Alan and I were celebrating our anniversary at Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City. Alan surprised me with a spa treatment, it was wonderful. We had such a relaxing time there and for once I did not over eat. Now that Alan and I are both college graduates we have more time to relax and enjoy each other and our little family. 

Tomorrow our little girl turns two, I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. She is the best thing that has happened to Alan and I. Some things about our little sweetheart

Favorite Movie- Wreck it Ralph
Favorite color- Blue (probably because it is the only one she can say)
Favorite toy - Her princess purse and toy cell phone
Favorite book- Green eggs and Ham
Favorite thing to do- PLAY (meaning playground)
Favorite thing to eat - Mac and Cheese
Favorite treat - Otter pops

She loves her mommy and daddy so much, she tells us all the time! She is always copying Alan and if he is home she only wants to play with him, who can blame her he is so much fun!!

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