Friday, March 14, 2014

So much time has past. . .

 WARNING PICTURE OVERLOAD!!!! A lot has changed since my last post but it is all for the good!! William is now 8 months old and everywhere!! He is the happiest little dude, smiles all around. He has mastered the art of crawling and is now standing up with help from a couch or ottoman. He loves to sing and sway his head back and forth and he loves his big sister. He also has one tooth and another on the way.

 Lizzy is a little princess! She is almost 3, she is extremely helpful and is so close to being potty trained (in the daytime). She knows her Disney characters like nobody's business and daddy is her bestest friend!

 These two play really well with each other, Lizzy makes sure William always has a toy and she loves to make him smile. 

 Lizzy loves Disney Jr and she is all about Doc McStuffins so we went a little Doc McStuffins crazy with Christmas. She got a Dr bag with all the necessary doctor tools, grandma Linda got her a Doc McStuffins doll that talks and sings and now she is always giving everyone a checkup.

 William at 7 months

 She has been all about bags and purses lately
We went to the zoo to test out our new double stroller for Disneyland, let's just say it is the best invention ever!!

She really liked the Elephants, she is like her mommy

The polar bear was the best! It kept coming up to the window and jumping off of it over and over again. It was really cute. The zoo was way fun with Lizzy especially now that she knows animals better.

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