Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birhtday to ME!

I was born on September 17th 1986 in Provo, UT at 10:35 in the morning. I have been around for 24 years, Since I am now 24 I want to tell you 24 reasons I love my birthday starting with # 24.
24- It is in the Fall and Fall is the BEST time of year
23- When you go back to school teachers remember it is your birthday because it is at the beginning of the school year
22- For some strange reason my birthday, the 17th, never falls on a Sunday so I can party all day long
21- Presents (That is a given)
20- Party that is for you because you were born!
19- You always get your way on your birthday
18- I usually get to go shopping and I usually buy shoes, my favorite
17- My birthday song Goldfingers 99 Red Balloons which i listen to every year on my birthday
16- CAKE
15- I get to eat my favorite food on my birthday, smashed potatoes, chicken, salad, green beans (pretty much thanksgiving dinner except for the turkey).
14- Having everyone you love around you
13- Presents (Oh did I say that again)
12- Not having to go to school or work because who wants to do that on their birthday
11- I share my birthday with many friends and we always say Happy Birthday to each other
10- Getting older, yeah that sounds weird but I like saying I am 24 years old now
9- Everyone calls you to wish you happy birthday
8- Surprises
7- You can always use the excuse, but today is MY birthday
6- I receive money for my birthday
5- Presents
4- Birthdays are usually not a depressing day, at least not yet
3- I have to mention cake again
2- Good Times and good memories
1- I get to spend my birthday with my favorite person in the world every year, my husband

1 comment:

katie said...

look at you miss blogger. I tried to call you to tell you happy birthday but someone never answers their phone. love you!