Friday, July 27, 2012

More Fun in Houston

 Lizzy and I one day built a little fort, Lizzy loved it because she could just climb right through it, it was more like a tunnel. We played tag and hide and go seek. It was fun.
 Lizzy watching Tangled in her fort

 Alan and I went to Dark Knight Rises the day it came out, we wanted to go to the midnight showing but Alan was in Chicago at C.H.A (scrapbooking stuff) so we went the night after
 We both bought Batman shirts for the big event, It was a great end to a great movie!
 Lizzy loves her bath time always making bubbles and being a little fishy

 My little fish
 Blowing Bubbles
 We were cleaning our bedroom and Lizzy found my flip flop heals and was trying really hard to put them on so I helped her and she was just way too cute!

 She walked really well in them I was impressed
 Daddy was sneaking up on Lizzy when she was in the bathtub and she was loving it

 We live literally 5 minutes away from the Lindon B Johnson Space Center or better known as NASA we decided on Friday morning to go and check it out, This is not a real space shuttle but it was really cool

 What a shuttle would look like from the inside, it was really cool. They showed a video of all the launches and it was really neat. Now I know where Buzz Lightyear got his name from.
 This Robonaut was cool it made me think of Buzz
 A miniature of the space shuttle
 Lizzy as an astronaut
 Alan as an astronaut
Kim as an astronaut, Alan took the picture before I was ready.

1 comment:

katie said...

Oh, I wish I could see you playing tag/hide-n-seek! What a fun fort idea. Lizzy is like your little buddy, I love it!
I love Batman! Haven't seen the movie yet tho.. cute shirt! You're so pretty.
You sure are having a lot of fun out there! What an eventful summer.
How is your ward and everything? Are you close to Nick and Amber at all?